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SNaP is a screening test only. No single score indicates that an individual has a particular diagnosis. Diagnoses are made on the basis of a clinical assessment including using clinical judgement.

SNaP is the result of many years of rigorous research and requires continual maintenance. We charge for SNaP so we can reinvest into our product and services and continually make advancements in neuropsychiatry and wellness.

Screening and neuropsychiatric tests cost between $30 and $200, and these are typically for only one condition per test. More comprehensive screening and evaluation for a complete profile of neuropsychiatric conditions on average cost $300 to $5,000. We believe that knowledge and access to self-care should be accessible by all, so we have developed a price that we affordable and well below what the market equivalent would be.

SNaP uses algorithms based on data from over 100,000 people worldwide ages 16 to 71. On average, our trained algorithms are 85% accurate

Based on our research, SNaP is at least 8% more accurate than typical screening measures targeting the same conditions.

You may not adapt or modify any of these tests, unless we have given you explicit permission in writing with proper data sharing and licensing agreement in place.

SNaP stands for Screening for Neuropsychiatry and Psychology.